-19, EFL, Indonesian, Online Learning, Writing SubjectAbstract
Indonesian EFL students faced online teaching and learning in such a rapid process. Therefore, this research was carried out to search for EFL students in Indonesia about their responses on teaching and learning online. This research applied the action research method with the paradigm of quantitative descriptive approach. Data for this research was collected via an online questionnaire, distributed to one class size sample consisting of 32 students in the even semester of the 2019/2020 academic year at one of the private colleges in the West Sumatra province of Indonesia. The data were analysed by descriptive statistics, especially the percentage of each item available in the questionnaire. Findings of this research show that the respondents, or the students, had their evaluation toward the online teaching and learning. The significance of this research is that their responses briefly invite us as scholars, teachers, and lecturers, or scholar-practitioners, to think about the feasibility condition of online teaching and learning, that it should be done contextually and prepared carefully. The Covid-19 pandemic situation has forced students to face double challenges in education: learning the materials in such a digitalized situation and handling external issues emerging while learning online.
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