Students’ speaking performance, Google meetAbstract
The aim of this research is to find out the first year students’ speaking performance after learning using google meet at Pandemic (Covid 19). There are 30 students chosen totally as the object of this research. Speaking test is used to know the students’ speaking performance. The result showed that the first year students’ speaking performance after learning using Google is excellent. Their performance in expressing idea (content), in pronunciation, in vocabulary is excellent. Somehow, their performance in grammar and fluency are good (not excellent/ optimal). It is recommended that the speaking subject lecturer give many opportunities for students to improve student’s capability in grammar and fluency through practicing much in sentence construction and in releasing their hesitation in speaking in daily communication. They are influenced by native language frame and nervous when they are speaking. The students are suggested to keep their ability excellent in speaking skill, but they should improve their ability in the aspect of speaking such as grammar and fluency. For the next researcher is recommended to find out the causes of the students’ speaking performance in grammar and fluency is good (not excellent).
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